HoneyBee School & Supply


HoneyBee School & Supply

Beekeeping Beginner’s Kit – Starting Your Journey

Beekeeping can be a fun and rewarding hobby, but it can also seem daunting for beginners. This guide will help you get started on the right foot, with advice on the best way to set up your apiary, how to get your bees, and what supplies you’ll need in your beekeeping beginner’s kit. Before you get started, there are a few things you need to know. Choose the Right Location for your Beehive The first step to starting beekeeping is to choose the right location for your hive. The best location for a hive is in an open area with plenty of sunlight and access to ...
HoneyBee School & Supply

Myth Buster: Are Honeybees Really As Aggressive As We Think?

Growing up, it is likely you had a fear of bees. Maybe you have a vivid memory of playing in your backyard and getting stung. Maybe you think of bees as these buzzing pests that won’t stop following you around, no matter how hard you try to swat them away. Many people beginning beekeeping have a negative perception of honeybees. However, they truly are not all that scary; they’re incredible! Learning to appreciate honeybees will also help you to not fear them. Regular Behavior Most of the time, a honeybee will not sting you unless you are being a...
HoneyBee School & Supply

The Three Main Species of Bees

Bees can come in many different shapes, sizes and colors. There are hundreds of different species of bees, most of which the average person probably has never heard of. These different bees do different things and serve different purposes. The three you are likely most aware of are honeybees, bumblebees and wasps. What do each of these do, and how are they different from each other? Honeybees All bees are amazing creatures, but especially honeybees. There are different types of honeybees: worker bees, drones and queen bees. Worker bees are female and...
HoneyBee School & Supply

Reasons bees leave a hive . . .

Bees leave their hive for a variety of reasons, sometimes temporarily and sometimes more permanantly . . . Foraging: Bees leave the hive to search for food, which can include nectar from flowers and pollen. They use their sense of smell and the position of the sun to navigate to flowers and gather resources to bring back to the hive. Swarming: When a hive becomes overcrowded, the bees will reproduce and create a new queen. The old queen and a portion of the bees will then leave the hive and form a new one elsewhere. This is known as swarming. Disease: If a hive become...
HoneyBee School & Supply

Preventing beehive absconding

There are several steps you can take to help prevent beehive absconding, which is when a hive becomes abandoned by the bees: Keep your hive healthy: Provide your bees with a clean, dry hive that has enough space for them to live and store food. Make sure they have access to fresh water and a variety of flowers for nectar and pollen. Monitor your hive regularly: Regularly check on your hive to make sure the bees are healthy and the hive is functioning properly. This will allow you to identify and address any potential problems before they become serious. Protect your h...

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