

Become a Backyard Beekeeper
Become a Backyard Beekeeper


  • Starter equipment and live honeybees
  • Self-paced masterclass & live support
  • All included; no experience needed
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need honeybees?

Approximately 1/3 of all the food we eat is dependent on these amazing pollinators. Due to their biology and behavior they are amazingly efficient and proficient cross pollinators. Honeybees are covered in fine hair that collect pollen granules as they forage. Some of the granules fall off as they bound from flower to flower, causing pollination. They are “flower specific,” meaning they only visit blooms of the same type on any given foraging trip. For example, all clover or all goldenrod blooms on any given trip. This allows for pollen of like flowers to be transferred from bloom to bloom, resulting in pollination.

Is beekeeping for me?

First ask yourself a few questions to see if beekeeping is really for you: are you outdoorsy, a bit industrious, someone who enjoys gardening, are you interested in sustainability activities, would you mind getting stung, are you generally curious about nature, are you patient and attentive to detail? If you answer yes to most of these you would likely enjoy keeping bees.

How can HoneyBee School get me started in backyard beekeeping?

HoneyBee School and Supply helps those who want to become a backyard beekeeper but don’t know where to begin.  We offer a complete beekeeping starter kit for beginners.

This backyard beehive startup kit is our flagship offering.  Everything an aspiring beekeeper (with no experience) needs for the first season.  This course/package provides 1) backyard beehive starter kit – the equipment/gear needed for a successful first season 2) your honeybees with mated queen 3) detailed instruction/tutorials in video format that teach beginning beekeeping in a step-by-step way 4) live support for the first season.

You will learn the critical basics for a new backyard beekeeper – equipment, installation, inspections, hive maintenance, etc.

Your beekeeping starter kit with bees includes:

  • HoneyBee School Beginner’s Equipment Kit: All woodenware for a single Langstroth Hive (screened bottom board, 2 deep super boxes w/ 10 frames each and 1 honey medium super box with 10 frames, inner cover, and telescoping outer cover), hive tool, veil hood/jacket combo, leather protective gloves, smoker, wax bar, shims, front hive feeder, mouse guard, and pest treatments with application tools. All the “stuff” needed for the first season
  • Package of live honeybees: A 3-pound package of 3-Banded Italian or Carniolan bees containing approximately 10,000 worker bees and a mated queen bee (delivered in the spring)
  • Virtual instruction with detailed master class: 60+ well-organized modules; material always available in virtual classroom for your pace and timing
  • Live coaching and support from a 13-year+ experienced instructor: regular, live, optional Q&A sessions, throughout the first season, help forums, etc.

Visit the FAQs to understand if this beekeeping startup kit is right for you

See All FAQs


Zero to BeeKeeper

From the time I first had an interest to become a beekeeper till today was about a year in a half. I started reading books and joining social media beekeeping groups. I was feeling a bit overwhelmed, like this might be more than I can do.

Then I found a link to HoneyBee School and Supply from a recommendation, and after reading through their website and course descriptions, I decided to go for it. It turned out to be a great decision! Step by step instruction with text and videos. I felt extremely relaxed and confident by the time my bees arrived. Once I started getting hand-on with beekeeping, if I had any questions, there was always a really quick responses with guidance and mentorship from a true professional. You can instantly tell Shannon cares a lot about the bees and her customers!

I now have a hive up and running with approximately 80k bees in it, and I feel confident while doing my 7 to 10 day inspections. I have 2 large supers, and I am going to add my first medium super in the next week or two. Looking forward to some honey!

I would recommend HoneyBee School and Supplies to everyone!

Casey D
Virginia Beach, VA

5.0 stars
5.0 stars

Wonderful resource for beginner beekeepers

The HoneyBee School/Shannon has been a fabulous resource for a beginner beekeeper such as myself. I was gifted the beginner course by my husband and it has turned out to be an enriching experience. I love my bees! I knew nothing going into it but Shannon has everything laid out perfectly to get started on your beekeeping journey. All the supporting tutorials, equipment, bees, and personal support you will need. My hive has grown and flourished in my first season and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the expertise Shannon provides. If you’re considering getting into backyard beekeeping start here!

Holly F.
Kearney, NE

5.0 stars
5.0 stars

The best way to start

The Honeybee School/ Shannon is possibly the best way to get started with bees. Shannon was very responsive to questions and concerns. We never felt like we were just a number but as if we had a mentor available if/ when we needed. All your supplies are provided so there is no guess work . We definitely recommend The Honeybee School.

Robyn MS

5.0 stars
5.0 stars

Shannon’s honey bee schooling experience has been absolutely fabulous!

I recommend her school especially for first timers with zero experience.

You receive a complete package with everything you need including the bees. Shannon kept us with status of the  delivery of the bees through till we received them.

Shannon’s video courses are very helpful and give step by step instructions from putting together the hive, providing details of what to do from delivery of bees throughout all the days, weeks, months of keeping the hive and bees healthy.

Shannon gives direct contact via texts. Every time we had questions Shannon always answered quickly and would elaborate in depth on answering our questions; she even asked for pictures so she can check out how things progress.

Thank you Shannon for having your school which  helps everyone take part with keeping essential pollinators on the planet.

Mickey M
Newfield, New Jersey

5.0 stars
5.0 stars

Made it Easy

I have to admit, I have wanted to be a bee keeper for a long time, however prior to Shannon and Honeybee School I felt intimidated by it. Shannon has made it so easy, her enthusiasm is contagious and the instruction and videos have taken the fear away! I still have a lot to learn but am so HOOKED! Thank you Shannon and Honeybee School!

Sara W
Warren, RI

5.0 stars
5.0 stars

JUST what I needed as an amateur.

Honeybee School and Shannon are exactly what I needed as a wanna-bee beekeeper. Everything we needed to get started was shipped to us ahead of time. Looked overwhelming, but wasn’t at all. Then the bees arrived in the spring. The videos walk you through everything and are available to re-watch. Shannon is always available. She’s friendly, warm, and helpful. My kids and I are loving it.

Trystin V
Pentwater, MI

5.0 stars
5.0 stars


I don’t even know where to begin… I was new to all this and going into my first days of watching videos, building my hive, painting it, picking the perfect spot – I felt great then I got the call from the post office your bees are here. Yup that “holy crap, this is real” moment was here! I talked to my bees the whole way home. They lived in my house with me for two days due to cold weather here in northern MI b4 I could install them. Exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. My first year of keeping has gone smoothly lots of questions, lots of learning and I could not have done it without Shannon. She has truly made me a successful keeper. Her knowledge, experience, patience, humor, and expertise was above and beyond my expectations. Shannon was always just a phone call or FaceTime call away. There were so many good days, some great days and yes some tough bad days too! Shannon was there for each and every one of them. I don’t know how but by some miracle I found Shannon. If you are looking for a mentor look no further. Honey Bee School is the place and Shannon is your person!

Casandra R
Traverse City MI

5.0 stars
5.0 stars

Great Learning Experience

I was a little apprehensive at first about taking up bee keeping since my hive will be at a secondary home 2 1/2 hours away from where I live but Shannon made me comfortable! Its like having your own personal expert bee keeper next to you the whole time! Good quality hives and supplies included and guidance every step of the way!! Highly recommend The Honey Bee School!

Evans K
Cairo, NY Greene County

5.0 stars
5.0 stars

Fully emerald kit to start your journey

The Honeybee school supplies great products and knowledge.  Getting to know the owner, talking bee books, asking questions and going through the content has given me the confidence to go look for my own information.
If you’re looking for a class that will not just help you learn but will also push you to ask questions, this is it. It provided all supplies you need to get started along with all the info you need to feel confident.

Jackie M
Fleetwood Pa

5.0 stars
5.0 stars

A very thorough course!

I have truly enjoyed taking this course! I felt prepared to install my bees the day they arrived because of everything that I had learned already from the course. It’s great to be able to watch the videos as often as I like plus the class notes offer the added info that I can refer back to. The one on one with Shannon makes the class that much more appealing! I’m sure you will love the class and be just as excited as I was when things start buzzing around your yard!!

Joyce H
Prattville, AL

5.0 stars
5.0 stars
See more student testimonials


Featured Video

Master Beekeeping With Our Curated Kits, Beginner Beekeeping Courses, and Supplies

Are you planning to start beekeeping? Honey Bee School has a series of supplies, courses, and kits for you. Our wholesale bee supplies make the entire process easier for you and can remove the hassle of getting started.

It may seem daunting to start beekeeping. We specialize in helping you with your first year of beekeeping.

We can provide the basic honey bee keeping supplies and equipment that are necessary to get started. As your  hives/needs expand we can be your one-stop shop to purchase new beekeeping materials. All the kits and wholesale bee supplies you need – count on Honey Bee School for your beekeeping journey.

Some backyard beekeepers start the process from scratch by purchasing each necessary component separately. Others decrease early beekeeping expenses using beginning kits from providers (like HoneyBee School!). The common components of a basic beginner kit or starter kits include equipment such as hive boxes, hive frames, and foundations.

Your aspirations, the number of hives/colonies you want to maintain, and your goals (honey, pollinatin, or otherwise) all create different requirements for necessary equipment. Common components include hive, foundation, honey supers, protective gear, smoker, hive tools, and extraction equipment for the honey harvest. All can be essential pieces of a  beekeeping starter kit for beginners.

In backyard beekeeping, the honeybee colony lives in a structure that is known as a hive. Many different kinds of beehives have been produced throughout the course of time. The contemporary ten-frame hive is the kind of beehive that is used by the majority of beekeepers nowadays. The standard components of a beehive are as follows: a hive stand; a succession of boxes or hive bodies with suspended frames carrying foundation or comb; a bottom board with an entry cleat or reducer; and inner and outer coverings. Using a queen excluder, it is possible to create a separation between the hive bodies, which hold the brood nest, and the honey supers, which are used to store excess honey. Interested in becoming a backyard beekeeper? Want to explore beginning backyard beekeeping kits? Looking for local beekeeping courses? Interested in learning how to be a beekeeper? We can help.

Backyard beehive starter kits are great to use when starting with beekeeping. They can simplify some of the complexity and fear and focus instead on the fun that beekeeping can provide:

  • Pollen is carried by bees from flowers to flowers. Plants need fertilizer to thrive and multiply, and beekeeping provides it.
  • Knowledge of flight patterns, bee communication, comb-building behaviors, and brood-rearing are just a few intriguing things beekeepers can learn about.
  • Raw honey from your beehives can be the ultimate prize for your efforts in beekeeping. You can do it if you’re patient and committed to the hobby.